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Chapter 1: Introduction

How to Use this Guide

The BackWeb User’s Guide provides an overview of the BackWeb interface, installation procedures and all the information you need to configure and use BackWeb.

The BackWeb User’s Guide is organized as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction contains a general overview of BackWeb and the layout of this guide.
Chapter 2: Installing BackWeb provides detailed instructions on installing BackWeb.
Chapter 3: Getting Started explains how to begin and end a BackWeb session and how to use the BackWeb window.
Chapter 4: Channels describes how to use channels and set their properties.
Chapter 5: InfoPaks describes the types of InfoPaks, how to use them and how to configure their parameters.
Chapter 6: Downloading InfoPaks explains the process of controlling InfoPak downloading.
Chapter 7: Browsing the Web describes how to access the Web sites of the InfoPak providers.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting lists problems that may arise when using BackWeb and how to solve them.

The product names in this manual are the trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

What is BackWeb?

BackWeb is an innovative software package that introduces a new media for interaction between users and information providers on the World Wide Web. You receive free, periodically updated multimedia clips (InfoPaks) on subjects of particular interest. During the time you are connected to the Internet, the InfoPaks are downloaded to your computer in the background. These InfoPaks can be InfoFlashes (animations), audio messages, background wallpapers, or screen savers that appear on the screen in different ways during regular work sessions. InfoPaks can also include Netscape plug-ins like Shockwave, Acrobat, RealAudio and much more.

You control which types of InfoPaks download, their display frequency and other parameters. Since InfoPaks download using spare on-line bandwidth, and may be displayed when you are off-line, you incur no additional telephone expense in downloading and viewing InfoPaks.

BackWeb displays InfoPaks that have been stored on your local computer's disk. BackWeb automatically deletes InfoPaks that have been displayed a pre-defined number of times or whose expiration time has passed, and requests more InfoPaks from the BackWeb channels. You can also, via the BackWeb window, select to keep or delete certain InfoPaks manually.

What is a Channel?

Channels are analogous to cable TV channels, that transmit programs chosen by the channel operator. You may register or terminate your registration to any channel with ease.

The InfoPaks received from the channel are filtered according to criteria you have specified. Each channel may present you with categories and questions that allow it to send you InfoPaks that best fit your needs. In addition, the channeled information is downloaded to your computer as various types or media according to your preferences.

Registering to a channel allows you to automatically get updated information without having to retrieve it manually from the Web. Initial registration to a channel may be:

Via the channel provider's Web site.
By specifying its Internet server address in the Add a New Channel window in the BackWeb window.

BackWeb maintains a Web site with a directory of all channels.

What is an InfoPak?

InfoPaks are downloaded from the channels to your computer. These InfoPaks usually consist of InfoFlashes (animations), audio or visual files for informational, service, entertainment or marketing purposes.

When an InfoPak is being displayed, you can interact with it by clicking on different areas inside the display. Interaction is intended to reveal more information, or to link directly to the provider’s Web page or related Web sites.

The BackWeb Client

Once BackWeb is installed, the BackWeb Client resides in your computer. The purpose of the BackWeb Client is to:

Contact the BackWeb servers (channels) and request InfoPaks.
Download InfoPaks from BackWeb servers.
Install InfoPaks and have them ready for display.
Display InfoPaks of various types.
Store user’s updated parameters, received from the channel registration form.

You can configure how BackWeb accomplishes these tasks by opening the BackWeb window. There you can:

Set and store the user's configuration and preferences.
List available InfoPaks.
Manually play InfoPaks.
Connect to the Web via the user's Web browser.
Register to channels.
Terminate your connection to a channel.

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